hs.graphicsDir = 'https://www.obeczizelice.cz/js/highslide/graphics/';
hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';
hs.showCredits = 0;
hs.padToMinWidth = true;
hs.pohlednice = false;
hs.onBeforeExpandCallback = false;
// The gallery example on the front page
var galleryOptions = {
slideshowGroup: 'gallery',
// wrapperClassName: 'dark',
outlineType: 'rounded-white',
dimmingOpacity: 0.8,
align: 'center',
transitions: ['expand', 'crossfade'],
fadeInOut: true,
wrapperClassName: 'borderless floating-caption',
marginLeft: 100,
marginBottom: 80,
captionEval : 'this.thumb.alt',
numberPosition: 'caption'
if (hs.addSlideshow) hs.addSlideshow({
slideshowGroup: 'gallery',
interval: 5000,
repeat: false,
useControls: true,
overlayOptions: {
className: 'text-controls',
position: 'bottom center',
relativeTo: 'viewport',
offsetY: -60
thumbstrip: {
position: 'bottom center',
mode: 'horizontal',
relativeTo: 'viewport'
/* gcm galerie dalsi predchozi */
//html kod vrstvy
function GetImgControlBarLeftArrow(height)
var styleHeight='';
if (height>0)
styleHeight=' style="height:'+height+'px"';
var hsImgControlBarLeftArrow = 'Předchozí';
return hsImgControlBarLeftArrow;
function GetImgControlBarRightArrow(height)
var styleHeight='';
if (height>0)
styleHeight=' style="height:'+height+'px"';
var hsImgControlBarRightArrow = 'Další';
return hsImgControlBarRightArrow;
hs.Expander.prototype.onBeforeExpand = function (sender) {
if (this.slideshowGroup == 'gallery')
// vytvoření elementu vrstvy a naplnění obsahem
var controlbar = document.createElement('div');
controlbar.className = "controlbar";
controlbar.innerHTML = "";
// kontrola, zda existuje předchozí obrázek
controlbar.innerHTML = GetImgControlBarLeftArrow(this.y.size);
// kontrola, zda existuje následující obrázek
controlbar.innerHTML += GetImgControlBarRightArrow(this.y.size);
// samotné přiřazení vrstvy
if (controlbar.innerHTML != "") {
sender.createOverlay( { overlayId: controlbar, position: "middle center", hideOnMouseOut: true, opacity: 1, width: '100%' } );
if (hs.pohlednice==true && typeof(pohlednice)=='object')
if(typeof hs.onBeforeExpandCallback === 'function')
hs.Expander.prototype.onInit = function() {
hs.marginBottom = (this.slideshowGroup == 'gallery') ? 135 : 15;
hs.Expander.prototype.onAfterClose = function(sender) {
callback = false;
if (sender && sender.wrapperClassName && /gcm-admin-reload/.test(sender.wrapperClassName))
return false;
hs.stripItemFormatter = function(a){
var out_html = a.innerHTML.match(/]*>/i)[0];
return out_html;
var hs_gcmbox=false;
var callback = false;
function hs_gcm(link,box_width,box_height,cacheIframe,stornoReload,callback_fnc)
cacheIframe = typeof cacheIframe !== 'undefined' ? cacheIframe : false;
stornoReload = typeof stornoReload !== 'undefined' ? stornoReload : false;
var wrapperClass='titlebar gcm-admin'+(stornoReload ? ' gcm-admin-reload' : '');
callback = (typeof(callback_fnc) === 'function' ? callback_fnc : false);
return hs.htmlExpand(link, {
objectType: 'iframe',
headingText: link.title,
outlineType: 'drop-shadow',
wrapperClassName: wrapperClass,
dimmingOpacity: 0.75,
preserveContent: cacheIframe,
width: box_width,
height: box_height
function hs_gcm_setReload()
if (!hs)
var expander = hs.getExpander();
if (!expander)
if (! /gcm-admin-reload/.test(expander.wrapperClassName))
expander.wrapperClassName += ' gcm-admin-reload';
function hs_gcm_overlay(link,content_id,box_width,box_height,stornoReload,on_before_expand_fnc){
stornoReload = typeof stornoReload !== 'undefined' ? stornoReload : false;
var wrapperClass='titlebar gcm-admin'+(stornoReload ? ' gcm-admin-reload' : '');
hs.onBeforeExpandCallback = (typeof(on_before_expand_fnc) === 'function' ? on_before_expand_fnc : false);
return hs.htmlExpand(link, {
objectType: null,
contentId: content_id,
headingText: link.title,
outlineType: 'drop-shadow',
wrapperClassName: wrapperClass,
dimmingOpacity: 0.75,
preserveContent: true,
width: box_width,
height: box_height,
align: 'center'
hs.Expander.prototype.onBeforeClose = function() {
if (hs_gcmbox==true)
var exp = this;
var iFrame=window.frames[exp.iframe.name];
if (typeof(iFrame.CheckLeaveDirty)!='undefined' && iFrame.CheckLeaveDirty()==true)
return confirm(iFrame.CheckLeaveGetText());
if(typeof callback === 'function'){
hs.Expander.prototype.onAfterExpand = function() {
if (hs_gcmbox == true && this.iframe)
this.iframe.id = 'hs_gcm';
hs.onDimmerClick = function() {
if (hs_gcmbox)
return false;
hs.GetWindowWidth = function() {
// the more standards compliant browsers (mozilla/netscape/opera/IE7) use window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight
if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
return window.innerWidth;
// IE6 in standards compliant mode (i.e. with a valid doctype as the first line in the document)
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined' && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth != 'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
// older versions of IE
return document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth;
hs.GetWindowHeight = function() {
if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
return window.innerHeight;
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined' && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth != 'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
return document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight;
hs.lang = {
cssDirection: 'ltr',
loadingText : 'Načítá se...',
loadingTitle : 'Click to cancel',
focusTitle : 'Click to bring to front',
fullExpandTitle : 'Rozšířit na aktuální velikost (f)',
creditsText : 'Powered by Highslide JS',
creditsTitle : 'Go to the Highslide JS homepage',
previousText : 'Předchozí',
nextText : 'Další',
moveText : 'Pohyb',
closeText : 'Zavřít',
closeTitle : 'Zavřít (esc)',
resizeTitle : 'Změnit velikost',
playText : 'Přehrát',
playTitle : 'Přehrát slideshow (spacebar)',
pauseText : 'Pauza',
pauseTitle : 'Pauza slideshow (spacebar)',
previousTitle : 'Předchozí (šipka vlevo)',
nextTitle : 'Další (šipka vpravo)',
moveTitle : 'Pohyb',
fullExpandText : '1:1',
number: 'Obrázek %1 z %2',
restoreTitle : 'Klikni pro zavření fotky, klikni a táhni pro pohyb. Použij šipky pro předchozí a další.'